How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

How are we trying to DEAL with PGN..


Weekends are tough for adopting parents stuck in PGN. Every day I am checking my e-mail and the adoption boards like it is my other job! I cannot get away from my computer/e-mail and phone. I hang on the fact that any day could be the day when we get the call that we are OUT of the black hole of PGN! Weekends are so tough because nothing happens. There isn't that hope that the next phone call/ e-mail or voicemail could be the one that you have been praying and hoping to get...the call that says the Guatemalan government has approved you to adopt EMMA...she is YOURS! Here is what we did last weekend for Drew's birthday.

Luckily the next few weeks are going to be busy for us. Our family has several birthdays--Drew 10-14, Jay 11-7 and mine 11-17. I am getting the best present in the world this year...Emma in my arms! We will be arriving in Guatemala on my Birthday and Emma will be there to help me celebrate it!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that time will pass quickly and we will get that CALL that we are praying for.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

What a fun birthday weekend for Drew! Your boys are so handsome. We can't wait to meet them at Thanksgiving. You guys are going to be in birthday mode until we see you! What a great way to pass the time. Emma's so lucky to have such great big brothers.
