How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker


We have been very, very concerned about the current state of adoptions in Guatemala, the new laws being passed and the impact this will have on our ability to bring Emma home. Each of you know how much our entire family loves this little girl. We are doing everything we can to fight for her and to ensure her the opportunity to come home.

We need your help---now more than ever. Here is part of an e-mail I got today from our agency contact. We have surrounded ourselves with a great team---I believe the best agency and lawyers are working hard to help us complete this adoption.
Please take some time to read these petitions and sign them if you believe in them. Also, I know that many of you share my e-mails, pictures and blog address with others. Please continue to share this information. Please ask anyone you know that would be willing to support this cause to help. I know there are many churches and people praying Emma home. Rob and I are very appreciative---more than we can express in words to each of you for your continued support. We are not giving up hope. Emma belongs with our family and we are going to do everything in our power to get her home.

Thank you for your time and continued support,

Rob and Amy
For those of you who have not received this petition please review and sign ...........Then pass it on to all those whom you believe would echo your sentiments.......Here is the opening paragraph of this petition.......we are definitely making an impact please keep it going..........

To: US-UNICEF supporters
As international adoptive families, adoption service providers, and supporters, we want to encourage the continued consideration of the best interests of children within the debate over intercountry adoption. Although we strongly applaud and support the goals of keeping biological families intact and ensuring that all of the world’s children can remain and thrive within their birth family or birth country, we recognize that such goals cannot be attained in a short period of time, and in fact are an ongoing process in every country including our own. In reality, every day a significant number of children are born whose parents do not have the resources to raise them as they feel they should. We believe that each of these children deserves a permanent loving home, adequate nutrition, shelter, and education, and the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. We believe that legal and ethical intercountry adoption provides a legitimate, necessary and current solution for these children, and that it is in the best interests of the individual child to be placed with a permanent family with a minimum of delay. Based on our experience, and with the goal of child protection as our primary emphasis, we offer the following positions:

There is another petition that was circulated by FOA after the DOS statement of the 25th.......This petition has over 31000 signatures.........It can be found at:

Thank you for all your support!

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