How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

October 17th---new pictures!

Emma has the greatest first family in the world!
I got these pictures today! There was one more picture of Emma with Astrid's mom Lucky. Lucky is with Emma a lot and helps Astrid take great care of her! (I try not to post pictures of Emma's first family because I want to keep them safe. But the pictures is great and you can see how much Emma is loved by Lucky!)
These pictures make me even more excited to go and see her again. One month from today...but who's counting?!


Katie said...

What a dolly she is !!!

Amy said...

She is so precious!!! I hope you have her home forever very soon!!!

Amanda said...

I can't believe she's STANDING?!?!? Don't get too big, Emma. Amy, our girls are coming home... they will be out of PGN long before Dec. 31st. No doubt about it, girl.

Love, Amanda