How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker


I learned today that we were issued a previo (kickout) on September 20th. Something in our file (we do not know what) was not to the liking of one of the 3 people who have to review our documents. I am not sure at what level the kickout was issued. Now we start over again and are currently on the 1st reviewers.
It is always hard the first few days after I come home from being with Emma. I am always excited to see the boys and miss them so much but I ache for Emma. For her sweet smile...the smell of her hair and the sound of her blowing raspberries. This process is one said it would be easy----and sure isn't.


"The dreadful Ortega law was approved by Congress in its third reading today, Wednesday October 3rd. 2007. The final reading and actual approval will be next Tuesday. ADA is meeting with all lawyers and adoption agencies representatives this Saturday to present the emergency plan. Constitutional challenges are being prepared and we are ready do to everything that is necessary to get the transition cases home and adoptions open for the children of Guatemala. The law could take thirty days to become effective, but it could take more time. It is still undecided.

There is no question that there is a way to make millions of dollars with adoptions. Simply by making them impossible, UNICEF is rewarding our president with a 28 million donation for this accomplishment, with the complicity of the congressmen. UNICEF is using the money of the taxpayers of the First World to eliminate poverty in our Third World country, by eliminating the children of the poor, because as the UNICEF delegate said: the underdevelopment of a country begins in the uterus of a poor woman. Genocide is not a crime of war. UNICEF is showing us how it can be done, without any risk for the perpetrator. We will not remain silent while they do it. That is a promise.

ADA asks of those of you who would want to help adoptions in Guatemala to join your efforts to ours." Here is there site if you want to read more:


Please contact your representatives for us. Let them know that your family members/ friends are Rob and Amy Holsinger and are in the process of adopting their daughter, Emma. You can tell them we are currently stuck in PGN. Urge them to help us complete this adoption. For more information or sample letters please go to . There are many form letters there. Or e-mail me at and I will be happy to send you something that you will just need to add your contact info and send. It is completely ok to use our name and add anything you think is needed to personalize our story and help us bring our little girl home.

Please, please, please send at least one letter out this weekend to help Emma come home. We love her so much and need her to be here with us!

Thank you for your love, prayers and continued support during this horribly difficult time.
Rob and Amy

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