How old is Emma today?

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Ed and Amanda are with their daughter GABI! They learned the day before they left for a an extended pick up trip that GABI is OUT of PGN! Ed will be there for about a week and then Amanda and Gabi will move to Antigua to wait out their PINK appointment. Ed will return once PINK is issued and then they will bring GABI home! We couldn't be any more excited for this very special family! Amanda called to tell me the awesome news before she left and I was in the car with the entire family. I looked at Rob and said "Gabi is out!" He say "That's so great!" Jay said "Mom, tell her Congratulations!" Drew said "OUT...of PGN?!" Tell me these boys don't know too much about this process and understand the importance of being OUT!
These pictures were taken yesterday after Gabi was placed in their arms forever. Their smiling faces say it all.

We are so happy for the As....all THREE of them! You can visit their blog and keep up with their final chapter to bringing Gabi home by clicking on Gabi's link on this page! Amanda has promised to blog faithfully for everyone!

1 comment:

Shelia said...

I am so glad that gabi is out of PGN and with her family forever. She's adorable.