Our agency just informed us that we entered PGN on September 7th. Here is information about PGN to help better illustrate the process:
Procuraduría General de la Nación (PGN) process 1)Submit power of attorney ruling by the solicitor attorney’s office–Procuraduría General de la Nación(PGN) . The power of the Guatemalan attorney should have been previously prepared by the parents and the agency in the United States and has to
be registered and approved by the PGN. This process is called‘Protocolización del Mandato de Representación. (This was completed when we visited Emma on April 12th in Guatemala City.)
2)The initial dossier prepared by the International Agency is sent to the ‘Juzgado de la Familia’ A social worker from this office studies the case by looking at the socio economic conditions of the prospective parents and the socioeconomic situation of child. *If a relinquishment case (our case is a relinquishment case), the social worker also studies the socioeconomic situation of the relinquishing parent--Emma's birth mother. This is called Family Court. Emma's birth mother has to have an interview with a social worker. The social worker had to see her with Emma without our foster mom or lawyer. This is the time when the worker makes sure the birth mother knows her rights and makes sure she enters the adoption freely. Our birth mom interview was June 19th.
3)Social worker gives his/her opinion about the case. The social worker writes up her findings in a formal report and the case exits family court. I am not sure when we exited but you must exit family court to enter PGN.
4)The PGN reviews case.
THIS IS WHERE WE PRESENTLY ARE!During the review they look for any missing documents.*If there are missing documents, then PGN issues ‘previo’ or kick out (KO). Our attorney must provides requested documents. 'Previo' or kick outs can occur for ANY and EVERY reason possible. Most cases experience at least 1 KO. Very few lucky cases can get out of PGN with no kick outs.
5) Once the case is out of PGN the Attorney drafts Notarial Decree of Adoption or ‘Escritura Final de Adopción’. This document is signed by the legal guardian (birth mother) of the child and formalizes the adoption. This is the birth mother's 4th and final sign off. Some birth mothers live too far from the city to return and complete this so they sign a power or attorney form allowing the attorney to sign the final sign off. (Our birth mother elected to sign a power of attorney since it is difficult for her to come back into the city.)
6) The Civil Registry (Registro Civil) issues new birth certificate for the minor, stating the child’s adopted name. (Kimberly Yamelith Holsinger)
Our agency reports that on average PGN is taking around 8 weeks to exit with no KO. If there is a KO, it is about 6 more weeks from the date of the kick out. But these times really are just best guesses...no one knows PGN's time lines--it changes daily. Some cases are in and out in record time and some seem to get stuck in there for what feels like FOREVER. Once we are out of PGN we go back to the US Embassy in Guatemala for another DNA test to ensure the child we bring home is the same child that started the process. After the test results are returned and verified, we will be given a VISA and her Guatemalan passport and allowed to bring Emma home to Ohio!
Please keep this special little girl in your thoughts and prayers. It would be the best Christmas present ever if she could be home and celebrating it here with us!