How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Next visit BOOKED

My mom and I will be visiting Emma September 28th to October 3rd! We will be getting to see her when she turns 6 months old! I cannot believe my baby girl is going to be 6 months old in a few short weeks. We hope to be entering PGN this week. On average, the length of stay in PGN is about 8 weeks. We are praying to put our 8 weeks in with no Kick Outs from the Guatemalan government. (A kick out is when the government of Guatemala rejects something from your file. It could be anything---simple from a slight typo to a copied page being too difficult to read. Some times they give KO for missing information that isn't really missing.) You can see why PGN is called the BLACK HOLE of the process. Some families are in and out in record time.....while others get stuck in the hole for months and months and months. Please keep Emma in your thoughts and prayers and hope she gets into PGN soon....and then out soon!

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