How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker


Pictures as promised.
Here are a few from the pool. (Rob got in on Christmas but I didn't have my camera. He wasn't feeling good the day we got in and I had my camera....but he did swim on Christmas and the day after!) The boys got such a kick out of saying they were swimming when Santa came and it was snowing in Ohio!

My browns fans in training! Santa is a GOOD MAN!

Pictures from our move and from today. Our friends came over today to check on me and try to lift my spirits. They are the sweetest people ever---thanks Ed and Amanda!


Jaimee said...

LOVE all your pictures, thanks for taking the time to keep us all updated! Emma just cannot get any cuter!!!!!! Her smile is contagious. See you soon!


Jack and Susie said...

Thank you so much for the updates! Do you have a hotel for those days the Westin and Marriott are booked? The pictures of your Christmas tree and decorations are great! Keep us posted!

kris said...

Are we gonna see Ohio State jerseys next Monday night? I love these pics!Kaden can't wait to have a rocking horse race with Emma and he has some diapers for her he is too BIG for now We all miss you so much and I know you can't wait to come home . Are you keeping up with Days while you are there? Talk to u soon!! Kris