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Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

1-3-07 "double date"

Drew and I went to the Marriott to have dinner with Ed, Amanda and Gabi before they leave. They are returning home in the morning and we needed to see them one more time. Our families have become very good friends. I am so grateful our paths crossed through our adoption journeys. It is hard that we are taking Emma home and they are not able to take Gabi home yet. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. We need them to get back into PGN and OUT and to get Ms. Gabi home ASAP!

Right before we left Mom told Drew to have fun on his date with his Mommy. He said "it's not just a date with Mom it is a DOUBLE DATE with Ed and Amanda and little baby Gabi!" He was so excited to go. When we pulled up to the front of the Marriott he said "this is our hotel, Mom." He loves the Marriott. We went up to their room to get some baby food and Drew said let me push the button...and started to push 11. (11 is the floor we always went to.)

When we got there Amanda told us we had to go to Tyler's party. He turned 1 yesterday and is about to go home. His Mommy and Daddy ordered him a wonderful cake and a HUGE ELMO pinata. It was a lot of fun.

Here are some pictures from our double date and birthday party. (My batteries were dying so my pictures aren't the greatest.)Emma and Mom stayed at home and rested. They weren't in the party mood---Mom is still sick and Emma went to bed early last night.

1 comment:

Jack and Susie said...

Man, that is the best pinata ever! It's huge and it's Elmo - what could be better? :) That's a cute story about Drew and his hotel! It must be a blessing to have your mom with you. I'm glad you are feeling better and I'm so thankful you are a committed blogger! I love keeping updated!