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Getting excited for our trip!

In less than 2 weeks we will be visiting Ms. Emma again! I am so excited! We have done a little shopping. Here are some of the great things we are taking down. Rob and I got the boys and Emma new Christmas outfits. We are going to do our best to get a first family Christmas photo...wish us look. I know it is going to be difficult to get 5 smiling faces will all eyes open! Rob's mom got Emma a beautiful dress too. I am so excited to have a fashion show!

Today is the run off election in Guatemala. Hopefully today will go peacefully and someone will be elected who will put the many needs of people of Guatemala first. I am anxious to hear from agency this week and get new pictures of Emma. I want to see how her face is healing. I have been told it is healing nicely but I need to see her beautiful little face to feel better.

I am also hoping PGN have a BIG week with lots and lots of OUTS! They do not reopen until Tuesday so I am praying they enjoyed their time away and go back into their offices ready to move some cases out and help send many babies home before Christmas!


Jack and Susie said...

I am praying for a lot of OUTS right along with you. Love the clothes. The boys are going to have a blast seeing their little sis!

Amy said...

Everything is just beautiful!! I hope you are able to get a good family photo while you are on your visit.

I hope that there are lots of OUTS starting tomorrow. It has been somewhat excrutiating waiting out these days knowing PGN was closed!!!

Jaimee said...

Darling outfits!!!!!!! I love the matching Christmas outfits and also the little black and cream dress!!! Can't wait to see pictures from your visit trip again and I hope that we are all back there soon for pickup.
