How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Please pray for our friends

Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. They learned today that they were kicked out of PGN again for the 3rd time. This news was not at all expected. We are devastated for them. Our journey to Emma has been filled with highs and lows. One high was the friendship we established with Ed and Amanda. Gabi is adorable and they love her so much. Please pray that their lawyer quickly fixes the issue and they go back in PGN and get out VERY, VERY soon. This family really needs your prayers...I can not even imagine how difficult this news is for them to get today.

Here are some pictures of Emma with her friend---and our friends.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You made our morning!!! Obviously, we are devastated, but being able to share this burden with our friends has made it much, much easier. Thank you for celebrating our little monkey with us. In the meantime, it does our hearts good to know that sweet Emma is on her way home very, very SOON!
Thanks friend.

Amanda, Ed and Gabi