How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

November 18th

It is so difficult to post pictures and really update like I would like to with 3 children! One is always needing something and at one time tonight ALL 3 were CRYING! It has been another great day but full of work.

Here are a few pictures and the link to not one but TWO videos!

Tomorrow Emma has a baby well visit and Carolina asked if I would like to go and meet the doctor. She said it would be a great time for me to ask any questions about her burn and her health. I cannot believe how well it looks. It only turns red when she SCREAMS...but most of the time you cannot even tell it happened. She is one lucky little girl.

Videos below: One is Emma blowing and talking and the other is Drew singing his ABCs to his new sister. Drew is so into being a big brother. Jay thinks she is cool but has been actively exploring every inch of the Marriott! He has made many friends but that leaves little time so far for pictures with his sister!



Jaimee said...


Oh my gosh, your pictures are amazing! I love seeing the boys with her. It looks like you guys have ALWAYS been a family. Emma's face looks WONDERFUL, I'm sooo happy and relieved for that. How great that you get to meet her Dr. What an amazing opportunity. I can't wait to see more pictures and you're going to have to call me when you get home and tell me MORE details as we plan on taking our boys on the pick-up trip.


Amy said...

The pictures are great, Amy! I am so happy that you and your family are having a great time. I soooooooo hope you get your out call soon!!!

Katie said...

Sooooooooooo cute !!!!

Shelia said...

its about time you post some videos!!! They are precious!! Your family is in my prayers that you are OUT of PGN!!!!