How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Happy Birthday to ME!

Today couldn't have been a better Birthday for me! I do not have time to go into great detail because I only slept 3.5 hours last night! But I know many of you are checking to make sure we are here and are anxious to hear about the boys meeting Emma and see new pictures.

Emma is doing well. The boys and Pap Pap think she is great! I will post an update of today's events tomorrow after I sleep and can see what I time.

Lots more pictures and updates tomorrow!

(Shelia---I promise a VIDEO soon. I have two that are soon as I get some sleep, I will upload them to the blog. I promise you will LOVE them! )

I am off to join the rest of family---everyone here is asleep!


Amy said...

AHHHHHH!!!! I am so glad to hear you have arrived in Guatemala and everything is going well...get some sleep, and I can't wait to see more pics. Your family is precious!!!

kris said...

Oh Amy I am sitting here in tears looking at the boys with Emma!! Enjoy every second, we can't wait to see all the pics of them together, Oh yes and GO BUCKS!!! sorry I couldn't resist lol. Love you all!!

"Aunt BB" said...

First of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!
Wow, what a great BD it will be for you.
As I sit here and look at those pics, Tears are streaming down my face. Those pics are so precious. Me and Brett are so happy to see all of you together. We know that Nana is looking down on you guys and smiling and her grandchildren!
Love you all!!!
Tell Rob we said.....GO BUCKS!!!
Love BB, Brett, Laci and Josh!!

Pineapple Princess said...

Have a wonderful visit! I love following your blog!

Shelia said...

Gracious me...these are the most precious pictures yet!!!! Look at how happy she is with the boys, they look like they adore her. My word how can you not cry when you see the love in these pictures!!! I do understand about you needing I will wait...remember I'm not a patient person...:o) I love you all!!!!!

Monica said...

Happy Birthday Amy!!! Your little sweetie looks just PRECIOUS with her big brothers!