How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

12-20 Morning Update

Today has been better! Emma threw up again last night but seems to feel fine after she throws up. She is eating just fine and not running a temp. I called the lawyer and she is calling me back with the number to the clinic Emma goes to...just to make sure there is nothing we need to be watching for. I think as long as she continues to eat--she eats very, very well...we don't have too much to worry about. It is probably just a cold where all the sinus drainage is making her sick in the evening. I will keep you posted on how our little girl is feeling.

We had a visitor today. Astrid came here this morning to drop of some more of Emma's things. You can tell Astrid is struggling with missing Emma horribly. Emma was very excited to see Astrid too. Drew went with me and when Astrid walked away to get paper to write something to me (it is hard to communicate in my toddler spanish), he became very upset and said "where is she taking our baby?" I assured him she was just walking to the front desk but you could see he was alarmed. I promised him we would NEVER have to leave her again.
Here are some pictures from this morning. Can you see how LOVED Emma is? We couldn't have had a better first family for our little girl.

Astrid and her family bought these for Emma. They are PINK. I am hoping there is a PINK theme for today. I hope we GET PINK!

Also this was left in our bathroom last you see a THEME?

Let's pray PINK is in our NEAR future!


Jack and Susie said...

I'm praying you'll get PINK soon! I know this is taking so long but you must be enjoying your precious daughter. It stinks that you have been sick though! Thank God you're feeling better!

Amy, Jim, Ry, Evan, Nora said...

Shes cute as ever!! Hope you are both feeling better asap!! (((astrid and family)))

Amanda said...

Oh I'm so sad for Astrid and family. And so happy for you! This process is full of contradictory emotions. We're praying for pink.

Amanda and Ed

Shelia said...

The pictures with Astrid holding Emma break my heart. This has to be extremely hard for them. I am glad you all are feeling better. I see the theme...I'm putting on my pink scarf for the rest of the day in hopes of sending good vibes to you. Love to all of you.

Jaimee said...

Astrid is sooo sweet! She looks soooo young!!! I love the little earrings. Hoping you get PINK soon!
