How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

12-21 2nd DNA----MIA read it correctly! Our congressman's office has confirmed that our DNA (although it was signed for and delivered Monday at 4:41p.m.) is not there. They will gladly schedule me an appointment as soon as the proper paper work arrives....or maybe they sould say as soon as it arrives AGAIN!

Does anyone know if the Easter Bunny comes to Guatemala? It is feeling like we are going to be here MUCH longer than expected.

I am trying not to panic.....but COME ON. I just want to BRING EMMA to OHIO!

While typing this I got an e-mail from my agency. They are contacting the lab to resend the results. GRRR about 2 more weeks wasted!

On a happy is my grandfather's birthday! Happy Birthday PAP...I hope you have a great Pizza Party!


Shelia said...

oh my word!! UGHHHHH...I want her home!!!Keep your's going to happen. I love you.

Amanda said...

This seems to be a recurring theme. A friend I met at the Marriott in August just had to re-create their entire dossier because while they waited for PA because the Embassy lost the whole file. They're on a roll...

It's going to be ok, Amy. I promise. She's going to go home very soon. Just take a deep breath and enjoy your girl. After all, you never have to give her back.

Love you,