How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Results logged into Embassy

This means that we are officially waiting for PINK. Once PINK will tell us when we have an Embassy appointment. Once we get the appointment, we can plan to come home two days after the appointment!

Check out this video of Ms. Emma in hall in her walker.

One more---enjoy!

(Shelia...these are especially for you!)


Jaimee said...

Awww, Emma is so cute in her walker and all of her pictures! I'm glad you guys had a good day and a great start towards attachment. Congrats on your DNA being logged, I hope you get Pink soon. I didn't hear anything today, so here's to tomorrow.


Shelia said...

Thank you Amy!! I love the videos I can't beleive she is walking in her walker so fast!!! Poor Drew is always hot, that kid hates cloths. LOL

I miss you all and can't wait till she comes home.

Katie said...

She can really cruise in that -- CUTE !!