How old is Emma today?

Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker


We have BIG NEWS....SANTA shipped a Wii and tons of GAMES to Bob and Floyd's! (I told Rob to bring the Wii stuff in his carry on because I was afraid that someone might be too tempted on Christmas Eve if it was in his bag being checked. Well when they went through security, they made Rob unpack it and checked all the parts---with Jay standing there saying "Is that ours...I wanta play i... NOW!" So he had to fess up and say that Santa was afraid he couldn't find us in Guatemala and sent the stuff to Dad's work. They have been playing it all evening...and seem to really like it.

They will be surprised to see that Santa has been in our room. Right after Emma went to bed and the boys went to my parents' room to go to sleep...we had a visitor!

We hope each of you have a wonderful Christmas!


Mindy said...

Awwww...How wonderful! Merry Christmas to you!

Jaimee said...

Oh, that's too funny about the WII, we are bringing one down as well, I guess now we know we'll have to unpack it.

Merry Christmas!!! Your tree and all the stuff is just beautiful!


Shelia said...

Merry Christmas to everyone!! Thank goodness you are not trying to brainwash the kids by making them wear Browns shirts :o) We miss you bunches.